Indian Dentists in Chicago

Dental hygiene is an important component of maintaining good health.

In the absence of good oral care and regular checkups, dental problems like gingivitis, gum bleeding, tooth decay, tooth ache can arise and make your life distressing.

Your dentist is primarily concerned with prevention and treatment of diseases of the dental cavity.

Common dental diseases include tooth decay a.k.a dental caries and gum disease a.k.a periodontal disease.

Their treatment often involves fillings, extraction of teeth that can't be restored, scaling of teeth to treat periodontal problems and endodontic root canal treatment to treat abscessed teeth.

Chicago is home to several dentists including some of Indian origin.

Visiting an Indian Dentist is beneficial as they not only understand your food and are also familiar with either Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Gujarati or any of the Indian languages.

Here is a short list of Indian dentists in Chicago.

Govind B Patel
* Cosmetic Dentistry
* Teeth Whitening
* Dentures, Crowns & Bridges
* Gum Treatment
* Root Canals
* Invisalign
* Infection Control
2957 West Armitage Ave
Chicago, IL
Ph: 773-772-0077

Hartej Sood
* Cosmetic Dentistry
* Restorative Implants
* Teeth Whitening, Extractions
* Crown & Bridge
* Veneers, Nightguards
* Periodontal and Gum Management
* Emergency Services
* Invisalign
2551 N. Clark St, #600
Chicago, IL 60614
Ph: 773-327-0011
Dilip Patel
Smile Care Dental
* Dentures
* Crowns & Bridges
* Gum Treatment
* Cosmetic Dentistry
* Teeth Whitening
* Root Canals
* Invisalign
* Infection Control
12337 S. Route 59, Suite 125
Plainfield, IL 60585
Ph: 815-609-8588

Keyur Shah
Palos Orthodontics
* Orthodontics for children
* Orthodontics for adults
* Sleep apnea
* Dentofacial Orthopedics
10781 South Roberts Road
Palos Hills, IL
Ph: 708-974-1155

Useful Dental Web Sites
American Dental Association
American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry